The most common questions about scouting can be answered right here.

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Q: What is the difference between a Boy Scout and a Cub Scout?

A: Both Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts share the same foundation and goals of teaching boys how to be a good citizen, to have fun and respect the outdoors and the serve your neighbors and community. The programs differ in age, activities and advancement requirements and are each run as completely separate programs and organizations, yet collaborate together as members of the BSA.

Q: How old do I have to be to join scouting?

A: The Cub Scout program starts with boys in the 1st Grade and Boy Scout program is for boys entering into the 6th grade.

Q: What is the Scout Law and Scout Oath?

A: Add answers here.

Q: What kind of fun activities do you do?

A: Boy Scouts is known as “Fun with a Purpose” with activities involving the outdoors, citizenship and service. Due to age differences Pack and Troop activities differ greatly. Please see each scouting website for more details. Troop – or Pack –

Q: When do you meet?

A: Both Pack 123 and Troop 123 meeting on Wednesday evenings during the school year. We have a phrase we like to go by… “No School, No Scouts” to help us manage the program around the school calendar. The Pack typically meets between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM at the Leicester Middle School and the Troop meets at 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM at St Pius X Church basement. Pack meetings and larger events are also held in the St Pius X Church basement.